Fix Your Focus!

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith…” – Hebrews 12:1-2

Focus is KEY to fruitfulness in the kingdom of God. Distractions, discouragements, and disappointments can blur the blessing of the Lord in our lives. The enemy is at work blinding our ability to see and sense the promises and presence of God, but we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and doing. We will not be sabotaged by sin.

It is time to fix our focus on Him. He is the center of our attention and affection. Do not miss what He is doing. God is at work, and we will respond in faith to partner with Him in our kingdom-building assignment. Let’s fix our eyes on the One leading us in victory, and working bad things out for good. Throw off the distractions and look to Him!


Stay connected with us and be praying for the following events we have planned in the coming months:

  • Life Groups are strong and getting stronger. So, if you are looking to connect with the church body, Life Groups are the perfect place to start. Check out the Life Group board in the foyer, pull up all active groups on the Church Center App, or visit our webpage HERE to find a group that is right for you!
    • If you want to learn about leading or hosting a Life Group you can fill out this FORM. 
  • River Baptism: We’re excited to celebrate all these public decisions of faith! We hope you join us at the Paducah Riverfront on August 4th! To register to be baptized or learn more check out the Church Center App or this LINK.
  • Ministry in Mexico: We have three trips to Mexico planned in August. Be praying for us as we continue to partner with the Living Faith Global Network
    • Pastor Jeff is speaking at a conference in Tuxtla Mexico the first week of August.
    • Pastor John will be ministering at a conference the 2nd week in San Martin Mexico. Then the last week in August he will be speaking at a business leaders conference in Chiapas, Mexico!
  • Faith Conference: Join us on August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. We have international leaders coming to Paducah to minister in the grace and power of God. Invite your family and friends to this life-changing conference. For more information click HERE


I love being your pastor,

Pastor John